New______ Renewal______ Lifetime_______ Yearly________(check one)

Name: ____________________________________ DOB: ___________ Age:_____ 

Spouse: ___________________________________ DOB: ___________ Age:_____

Address: _____________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________ State: ______ Zip:_____________

Phone: (       ) _____________________    E-mail: _________________________

Cell: (       ) ________________________

In what capacity did you serve?  Pilot ___ Crew Chief ___  Medic  ___ Maintenance ___ Supply ___ Door Gunner ___ Flight Ops ___ Clerk ___ Commo ___ Cook ___ (check one or more)

Rank ___________    Branch of Service ______________________

Dates of Assignment (Mo/Yr-Mo/Yr) ________________________________




If this is a renewal is this a change of address/information ?______

____ I know a former Dustoff/Medic/Corpsman/Pilot/Nurse or other potential member and have
listed their name, address and telephone number on the reverse.

Enclosed is $20.00, my membership dues for one year (     )

Enclosed is my Lifetime membership dues as follows Age 55 and Below $100.00 (    )

                                                                                     Age 56-75 $75.00 (   )

                                                                                     Age 76 and above $50.00 (   )

(Make checks payable to Florida Dustoff Association)

Please attach a copy of your DD-214 (or provide within 90 days) to:

                           Roberta Neitzel, Treasurer, 2304 Woodland Drive, Edgewater, FL 32141

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